Datorsystem II Del 1

This page gives information on the course Datorsystem II: (Datakom) HT 2000. The laboratory and examinations for the course are listed below, as are staff information and some other helpful documentation. Staff
Lecturer Arnold Pears arnoldp@docs.uu.se 
Teaching Assistant Julien d'Orso juldor@docs.uu.se 



Please refer to the published schedule available from the administrative office, building 4, level 2. You can also consult the topic guide and reading list for hints on what to read in preparation for lectures and the exam.


There will be a compulsory laboratory session during the course, You should attend exactly one session . Since the first laboratory uses special software you must attend the laboratory in the scheduled time slot. See Arnold if that is not possible.

A list of the time allocations can be found here .

Laboratory exercise sheets will be distributed in the lecture As soon as possible. The information will also be made available on the Course Web Page.

The laboratory exercises are due as follows.
Date Assignment Due
2/10 Snooping Lab Due
16/10 TCP and UDP Client/Server Program Due


The course is to be assessed using assignments, laboratory work and an examination.

Revision Resources


Kurslitteratur är "Computer Networks: A Systems Approach, Second Edition" av Larry L. Peterson och Bruce S. Davie, utgiven på Morgan Kaufman förlag, ISBN 1-55860-577-0 (international students edition). Info på webben finns på http://www.mkp.com/books_catalog/1-55860-514-2.asp