Datakom (DVP) Del 2 Results

Namn Tenta Bonus Totalt
Ulf Magnusson 46
Erik Thelin 63.5
Markus Undblad 30
Anders Öhrt 62
Viktor Lidholt 58
Björn Bergman 48
Heinrik Sandin 58.5
Frederic Henri 62.5
Martin Fornhem 58
Björn Sperber 64.5
Nathalie Guiton 59
Gunnar Persson 65.5
Johann Deneux 63.5
Laurent Magnien 67
Thomas Nilsson 74
Yourdanos Beyene 53.5
Antonio Pulido 59
Jesper Withelmsson 52


  1. These are in progress preliminary marks
  2. More marks will be added as I mark more scripts
  3. Marks do not include laboration bonus points
  4. In the table above a mark of 39 and below indicates that you must definitely take the exam again. If you have a mark between 40 and 54 you must have enough bonus points from the laboration to reach 55 points in order not to have to take a repeat exam.

Marking scale including bonus points

Points Range Meaning
0 - 54 Unsatisfactory
55 - 69 Pass
70 - 85 Pass with Distinction