\begin{thebibliography}{1} \bibitem{Birb75} Elizabeth Birbirani. \newblock {\em Dress in Italian Painting 1460 -- 1500}. \newblock John Murray, 1975. \newblock A slightly dated book which analyses the costume details from a fairly wide range of Italian painting in the specified period and attempts to draw conclusions about the common construction of dress in the period. It is an attempt at classification of styles of construction. \bibitem{Card92} Franco Cardini. \newblock {\em Europa 1492: Den gamla v\"{a}rlden f\"{o}r femhundra \o{a}r sedan/Europe 1492: Picture of a continent five hundred years ago/Europa 1492: Ritratto di un continente cinquecento anni fa}. \newblock Anaya Editoriale s.r.l./Fenice 2000 s.r.l. Milano, 1992. \newblock General purpose large format "coffee table book". Professor Cardini is a Mediaeval historian holding positions in Bari and Florence. The book has limited academic value in my view, however it provides a wide collection of art, particularly high quality reproductions of paintings and details from these paintings that are useful when investigating costume details and trends. \bibitem{Cleg98} Elizabeth Clegg~(Translator). \newblock {\em La Pitturra Italiana/Italian Painting}. \newblock 1998. \newblock Very high quality photographs of Italian paintings from the 14th to the 20th century. \bibitem{Pipo95} {Fran{\,{c}}oise} Piponnier and Perrine Mane. \newblock {\em Se v\^{e}tir du Moyen Age / Dress in the Middle Ages}. \newblock Soci\'{e}t\'{e} Nouvelle Adam Biro/Yale University, 1995/1997. \newblock Costume Mediaeval 500--1500, Good introduction to the value necessary to understand the contribution of art and other secondary sources when attempting to understand the structure and construction of clothing. Generall discussion covers the period noted above. \bibitem{Turs87} Krystyna Turska. \newblock {\em Ubi\'{o}r dworski w Polsce w dobie pierwszych Jagiellon\'{o}w}. \newblock Zaklad Narodowy, Poland, 1987. \newblock Polish treatise on the costume and art in the Polish mediaeval period, together with archaeological finds, including shoes, and what appear from the pictures to be elements of an extant 15th century suit of clothes consisting of doublet and hose. Patterns of the doublet and hose are provided, and appear to be workable. \end{thebibliography}