Student interview framework
Selection of students for interviews was based on the following.
General Selection Criteria
Mixture of people from each type of team:
- Mobile IP
- Ad hoc routing
- Class papers
Mixture of ability levels
Fair representation of women in proportion to class nubers
Students that were selected for the interviews had the
following selection characteristics.
- (high grade student)
- (average student)
- (tech support and studing in the course)
- (Above average female)
- (Older student)
- (Older, foreign background)
- (Average female)
Basic areas to explore in interviews
- advantages and problems with wireless.
- unexpected aspects of using wireless
- how was wireless and the laptop used in the course?
- will you miss wireless having used it?
- key point of advice to a student considering taking this course
- benefits of group collaboration, and inter-group work with KTH
- suggestions for improvements to future courses and studies of this type