Wireless Networking Initial Survey

I hope that this form will allow you to quickly fill out the information that I would like to find out about your expectations for the Datakom II course. Please complete the form as soon as possible and "submit" it. The data you supply will help me to evaluate the advantages and problems associated with using a wireless LAN in teaching and learning.

The data that you supply to me throughout the course will be maintained in a confidential manner. Only summary information will be used in final reports and your names will remain confidential at all times.

If you have any problems or quesitions please contact me .

Data Form




Do you have a portable computer? Yes No 

Is it configured with LINUX, Windows, or Both?

If you have a portable how many hours per day do you use it at present? 

Where, when and how do you use your laptop?

Wireless Networking

Please give a brief definition of wireless networking? What do you think it can offer to improve your courses?

How do you think a wireless network will affect the way in which you achieve learning?

How much of your nework access time do you think you will be using the wireless network?%

Do you think access to the wireless network will motivate you to work with more your laptop? Yes No 
Why do you think that you would be more or less motivated to use the laptop and the wireless LAN?


List the four locations where you think you might use wireless access most? (Eg, snack room, lecture hall)

How do you think access to the internet everywhere in the building might improve your ability to study effectively?

How many hours per week do you think that you spend on each of the following types of activities?
Understanding/reading course material (lecture notes, online information)
Working alone on personal work 
Working alone on the group project 
Working with group members on the group project
Working with people outside the group on things related to the group project
Relaxation and free time use of the computer
How many hours per week do you expect to use the wireless network?