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Report on the project
Parameter estimation in heat conduction and diffusion
funded by TFR (Swedish Research Council for Engineering Sciences, dnr 271-1997-776)

These web pages provide the requested information about the project.
The aim is to give some background for the evaluation of the area
Signals and Systems within TFR.
Description of activities and results
  • Description of Department of Systems and Control 
  • Role of TFR funding 
  • Achieved results 
  • Five selected publications 
  • Impact and limitations
  • Impact
  • Limitations
  • Exams and publications
  • PhD theses (since 1995) 
  • Licentiate theses (since 1995) 
  • Books (since 1997)
  • Book chapters (since 1997) 
  • Journal articles (since 1997)
  • Conference papers (since 1997)
  • Technical reports (selected)
  • Reports on other TFR funded projects
  • Statistical signal processing
  • Identification of viscoelastic materials by wave propagation methods


    Department of Systems and Control, Uppsala University | URL http://www.SysCon.uu.se
    Last updated:  August 21, 2000 by Torsten Söderström