Functional Database Systems

Course type:

Doctoral student course.


Participation only through registering with by January 30, 2004. 


Kick-off January 30, 2004, room 1345, MIC, Uppsala University. 




Basic computer science and database courses.


The relational database model, developed at the end of the 60s, is a well known industrial standard for representing data in large databases. Relational databases store data as rows in tables. Such tabular databases may be regarded as mathematical relations and hense queried using matematical predicate calculus expressions usually expressed in the industry standard relational query language SQL. The first functional data model DAPLEX  was developed at MIT in the 70s and has its root in work on semantic nets there. Several functional database models have been developed since then. It has been acknowledged that the functional model allows more user oriented high level data representations than the relational model despite the industry dominance of the relational model. Furthermore, several aspects of recently introduced object-oriented database models can also be managed more cleanly and formally by functional data representations. The course will be based mainly on a new book on state-of-the-art within the area of functional database management, Functional Approach to Data Management - Modeling, Analyzing and Integrating Heterogeneous Data. Each chapter in this book describes one aspect of functional databases, e.g. functional database representation, query and view specifications, constraint management, integration of data from different sources, optimization of functional queries, and use of functional databases for semantic web representations. The course consists of one introductory lecture of the course leader, while the attendees are expected to present two papers each at the seminars. The course also includes making a term paper on a chosen subject as well as making a practical mini-project on some own problem using the functional database engine developed here, Amos II.

Some Preliminary Topics:


Slides and course material:

To be supplied as course proceeds.


This course will be given at Uppsala University, starting  January 30, 2004 at 13:30 in room 1345, MIC, Uppsala.
It is planned to have two seminars most weeks until beginning of April. At each seminar papers are presented and discussed. 


Professor Tore Risch, E-mail:, phone: +46 18 471 63 42


To pass examination each attendee has to:

1. Present two articles.

2. Write a term paper on some subject covered by the course. A term paper is a five page (single spaced) overview of a subject.

3. Do a mini-project where the functional database paradigm is applied on some problems from the research domain of the attendee. The functional database engine Amos II should be used.

Send email to before week xx on what subject you have chosen for term paper and the mini-project.


How to reach us


Road map

Campus map


For more information, write an e-mail to