Distributed and Parallel Database Systems


Course type:

External doctoral student course.


Participation only through registering with Tore.Risch@it.uu.se by May 2nd 2002. The course is primarily reserved for students from the ENDREA and WIM networks and selected local PhD students.


May 6-8, 2002, Uppsala University




Basic computer science and database courses.


The computing environments have become increasingly distributed through the use of  Internet and other computer communication networks. What we are experiencing is  an ever increasing access to more or less structured information that is furthermore very dynamic and is continuously changing. In this environment it is getting more and  more critical to develop methods for building systems that combine relevant data  from many sources and present them in a form which is comprehensible for users. It  is getting important to develop tools that facilitate the efficient development and maintenance of information systems in a highly dynamic and distributed environment. The area of distributed databases deals with design and management of uniform databases whose contents is transparently distributed over several database nodes in a computer network. Parallell databases deal with high performance databases whose data is automatically distributed over many internal data servers. The area of multi-database systems deals with managing and querying data from collections of heterogeneous databases.

This graduate course provides the basic knowledge of the state-of-the-art of distributed and heterogeneous databases. The course first covers the principles of distributed and multi-database systems and then Scalable and Distributed Data Structures, SDDSs, which are storage structures for scalable data represesentation in large distributed systems and parallell databases. The intensive course is given by Professor Witold Litwin, Dauphine University, Paris (France), this year's receiver of ACM fellowship award, and Professor Tore Risch, Uppsala University.

Preliminary Topics:


Slides and course material:

 Introduction and overview

 Papers and slides


This course will be given at Uppsala University, starting  May 6, 2001 in the morning. There will be an intensive course on SDDSs with daily lectures.


Professor Tore Risch, E-mail: Tore.Risch@it.uu.se, phone: +46 18 471 63 42
Professor Witold Litwin, Dauphine Univ., Paris, France, http://ceria.dauphine.fr/, E-mail:  Witold.Litwin@dauphine.fr


To pass the examination you have to write a term paper on some subject covered by the course. Either you choose any of the subjects below from the text book or you can choose a subject that was covered in Witold’s lectures.

A term paper is a five page (single spaced) overview of a subject.

Possible subjects from text book:

1. Distributed database design (ch 5)
2. Semantic data control (ch 6)
4. Optimization of distributed queries (ch 8, 9)
5. Distributed concurrency control (ch 11)
6. Distributed DBMS reliability (ch 12)
7. Parallel database systems (ch 13)
8. Distributed object database systems (ch 14)

Send email to Tore.Risch@it.uu.se before week 22 on what subject you have chosen.

Location and time

The course will take place in room 1113 in house 1 on the MIC Campus area (Polacksbacken) of Uppsala University. The course starts May 6th, 10:15 and ends ca 15:00, May 8th.

How to reach us


Road map

Campus map

Some hotels in Uppsala

 Uppsala hotels

Photos of doctoral students in action

Click here.

For more information, write an e-mail to Tore.Risch@it.uu.se