Adventitious shoot research

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An embryo with adventitious buds. Photo: Gunnar Flygh

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A clone of Pinus contorta shoots originating from one embryo. Photo: Gunnar Flygh

For more info see
Flygh, G., Grönroos R. and von Arnold S. 1993.
Induction, rooting and growth capacity of adventitious shoots of Pinus contorta .
Can. J. For. Res. 23:1907-1916.
Flygh, G., Grönroos R., Högberg K-A. and von Arnold S. 1996.
Mikroförökning av contortatall.
Fakta skog. 16.
Flygh, G., Grönroos R. Högberg K-A. and von Arnold S. 1998.
Development and growth of plantlets of Pinus contorta regenerated from adventitious buds.
Scand. J. For. Res 1998. Vol. 13, Nr. 3, pages 331-339
Updated Wednesday, 28-Aug-2002 13:57 by Roland Grönroos