structure Set = struct type 'a set = 'a list val empty = [] fun singleton a = [a] fun member (x,ys) = List.exists (fn y => x = y) ys fun insert (x,ys) = if member (x,ys) then ys else x::ys end ; Set.empty ; val s1 = Set.insert (1,Set.singleton 2) ; open Set ; empty ; signature AbsStack = sig exception EmptyStack type 'item stack val empty : 'item stack val pop : 'item stack -> 'item stack val push : 'item * 'item stack -> 'item stack val top : 'item stack -> 'item end ; structure Stack : AbsStack = struct exception EmptyStack datatype 'item stack = Empty | Node of 'item * 'item stack val empty = Empty fun pop (Empty) = raise EmptyStack | pop (Node(x,S)) = S fun push (x,S) = Node(x,S) fun top (Empty) = raise EmptyStack | top (Node(x,S)) = x end ; val s = Stack.empty ; Stack.push (32,s) ; structure Stack1 :> AbsStack = struct exception EmptyStack datatype 'item stack = Empty | Node of 'item * 'item stack val empty = Empty fun pop (Empty) = raise EmptyStack | pop (Node(x,S)) = S fun push (x,S) = Node(x,S) fun top (Empty) = raise EmptyStack | top (Node(x,S)) = x end ; Stack1.push (32,Stack1.empty) ; it ; structure Stack2 : AbsStack = struct exception EmptyStack type 'item stack = 'item list val empty = [] fun pop [] = raise EmptyStack | pop (x::S) = S fun push (x,S) = x::S fun top [] = raise EmptyStack | top (x::S) = x end ; Stack2.empty ; Stack2.push (34,it) ; Stack2.push (35,it) ; Stack2.push (99,it) ; it ; structure Remove = struct fun smaller a [] = [] | smaller a (x::xs) = if x < a then (smaller a xs) else x::(smaller a xs) end ; signature Ordered = sig type T val eq : T * T -> bool val lt : T * T -> bool val leq : T * T -> bool end ; structure Integer : Ordered = struct type T = int fun eq (x,y) = (x = y) fun lt (x,y) = (x < y) fun leq (x,y) = (x <= y) end ; functor RemoveGen (s : Ordered) = struct fun smaller a [] = [] | smaller a (x::xs) = if ( (x,a)) then (smaller a xs) else x::(smaller a xs) end ; structure IntRemove = RemoveGen (Integer) ; IntRemove.smaller 12 [12,31,14] ; IntRemove.smaller 15 [12,31,14] ;