Course Syllabus



  1. Course Overview
  2. Algorithm Analysis
    1. Introduction to basic concepts of algorithms and computation.
    2. Modelling Runtimes
    3. Some Recurrences and their solutions
    4. Big-Oh notation and analysis
  3. Linear Data Structures
    1. Pointers
    2. Linked lists
    3. Stacks
    4. Queues
  4. Trees
    1. Overview
    2. Binary Trees
    3. Binary Search Trees
    4. AVL Trees
  5. Hash Tables
    1. Overview
    2. Separated Chaining
    3. Open Addressing
  6. Heaps (Priority Queues)
    1. Overview
    2. Binary Heaps
    3. Applications


  1. Sorting
    1. Overview
    2. Insertion Sort
    3. Shellsort
    4. Heapsort
    5. Mergesort
    6. Quicksort
    7. Analysis of Sorting Algorithms
  2. Disjoint Sets
  3. Graph Data Structures and Algorithms
    1. Representation of Graphs
    2. Topological Sorting
    3. Shortest-Path Algorithms
    4. Minimum Spanning Trees
    5. Depth-first Search Algorithms
  4. Algorithm Design Techniques (Subject to Time remaining)
    1. Greedy Algorithms
    2. Divide and Conquer
    3. Dynamic Programming