Efficient Resource Utilization and Cloud Infrastructures

Salman Toor
Division of Scientific Computing
Department of Information Technology
Uppsala University


In this presentation I will talk about our two ongoing projects, CLOUD-METRIC: A Cost effective application development environment for Cloud Infrastructures and S3DA: A Stream-based Solution for Scalable Data Analysis. The current trend shows that in near future there will be more resources available via Cloud interfaces than ever before. This is because Cloud Computing promises on-demand, elastic and high-availability of resources at very low cost, users will only pay for what they use. But often that is not the case; we have heard people expressing their concerns regarding the cost while utilizing resources on public Clouds. This presentation will cover some of the challenges and how we are addressing these from the platform of DCA (Distributed Computing Applications Group: https://www.it.uu.se/research/group/dca ).