Randall J LeVeque
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington, USA
The Clawpack software (Conservation LAW PACKage, www.clawpack.org) implements high-resolution finite volume methods for linear and nonlinear wave propagation problems. The algorithms are based on the solution of Riemann problems at the interfaces between grid cells. This is a natural approach to solving problems in heterogeneous media with material discontinuities, and can accurately capture reflected and transmitted waves. In this talk two applications will be discussed: 1) Nonlinear elastic waves in periodic structures, where dispersion introduced by reflections at material interfaces leads to the appearance of solitary waves. 2) Poroelastic models for wave propagation in a solid matrix permeated with a fluid, with application to the study of wave propagation in bone and extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT).