function [x,flag,resNE,iter] = cgls(A,b,shift,tol,maxit,prnt,x0) % From Stanford University %CGLS Conjugate Gradient Least Squares % X = CGLS(A,B) attempts to solve the system of linear equations A*X=B % for X. The M-by-N coefficient matrix A and right hand side column % vector B of length N are required input arguments. % % X = CGLS(AFUN,B) accepts a function handle AFUN instead of the matrix % A. AFUN(X,1) accepts a vector input X and returns the matrix-vector % product A*X. AFUN(X,2) returns the matrix-vector product A'*X instead. % In all of the following syntaxes, you can replace A by AFUN. % % X = CGLS(A,B,SHIFT) specifies a regularization parameter SHIFT. If % SHIFT is 0, then CGLS is Hestenes and Stiefel's specialized form of the % conjugate-gradient method for least-squares problems. If SHIFT is % nonzero, the system (A'*A + SHIFT*I)*X = A'*B is solved. Here I is the % N-by-N identity matrix. % % X = CGLS(A,B,SHIFT,TOL) specifies the tolerance of the method. If TOL % is [] then CGLS uses the default, 1e-6. % % X = CGLS(A,B,SHIFT,TOL,MAXIT) specifies the maximum number of % iterations. If MAXIT is [] then CGLS uses the default, 20. % % X = CGLS(A,B,SHIFT,TOL,MAXIT,PRNT) specifies if output should be % generated during each iteration (PRNT == true). If PRNT is [] then no % output is given. % % X = CGLS(A,B,SHIFT,TOL,MAXIT,PRNT,X0) specifies the N-by-1 initial % solution that is used. If X0 is [] then CGLS uses the default, % X0 = zeros(N,1). % % [X,FLAG] = CGLS(A,B,...) also returns a convergence FLAG: % 1. CGLS converged to the desired tolerance TOL within MAXIT % iterations. % 2. CGLS iterated MAXIT times but did not converge. % 3. Matrix (A'*A + SHIFT*I) seems to be singular or indefinite. % 4. Instability seems likely meaning (A'*A + SHIFT*I) indefinite and % NORM(X) decreased. % % [X,FLAG,RESNE] = CGLS(A,B,...) also returns the relative residual for % the normal equations NORM(A'*B - (A'*A + SHIFT*I)*X)/NORM(A'*B). % % [X,FLAG,RESNE,ITER] = CGLS(A,B,...) also returns the iteration number % at which X was computed: 0 <= ITER <= MAXIT. % % See also LSQR, PCG, FUNCTION_HANDLE. % 01 Sep 1999: First version. % Per Christian Hansen (DTU) and Michael Saunders (visiting % DTU). % 22 Jan 2013: Updated syntax and documentation. % Folkert Bleichrodt (CWI). % Assign default values to unspecified parameters if (nargin < 3 || isempty(shift)), shift = 0; end if (nargin < 4 || isempty(tol)) , tol = 1e-6; end if (nargin < 5) , maxit = []; end if (nargin < 6 || isempty(prnt)) , prnt = 0; end if (nargin < 7) , x0 = []; end if isa(A, 'numeric') explicitA = true; elseif isa(A, 'function_handle') explicitA = false; else error('A must be numeric or a function handle.'); end % handle initial guess, if passed as argument if explicitA [m,n] = size(A); if ~isempty(x0) x = x0; else x = zeros(n,1); end r = b - A*x; s = A'*r-shift*x; else m = size(b,1); if ~isempty(x0) x = x0; r = b - A(x,1); s = A(r,2) - shift*x; n = size(s,1); else r = b; s = A(b,2); n = size(s,1); x = zeros(n,1); end end % determine default for maxit if isempty(maxit) maxit = min([m,n,20]); end % Initialize p = s; norms0 = norm(s); gamma = norms0^2; normx = norm(x); xmax = normx; k = 0; flag = 0; if prnt head = ' k x(1) x(n) normx resNE'; form = '%5.0f %16.10g %16.10g %9.2g %12.5g\n'; disp(' '); disp(head); fprintf(form, k, x(1), x(n), normx, 1); end indefinite = 0; %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Main loop %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- while (k < maxit) && (flag == 0) k = k+1; % q = A p if explicitA q = A*p; else q = A(p,1); end delta = norm(q)^2 + shift*norm(p)^2; if delta <= 0, indefinite = 1; end if delta == 0, delta = eps; end alpha = gamma / delta; x = x + alpha*p; r = r - alpha*q; if explicitA s = A'*r - shift*x; else s = A(r,2) - shift*x; end norms = norm(s); gamma1 = gamma; gamma = norms^2; beta = gamma / gamma1; p = s + beta*p; % Convergence normx = norm(x); xmax = max(xmax, normx); flag = (norms <= norms0 * tol) || (normx * tol >= 1); % Output resNE = norms / norms0; if prnt, fprintf(form, k, x(1), x(n), normx, resNE); end end % while iter = k; shrink = normx/xmax; if k == maxit, flag = 2; end if indefinite, flag = 3; end if shrink <= sqrt(tol), flag = 4; end