function [r2 rmse] = rsquare(y,f,varargin) % Compute coefficient of determination of data fit model and RMSE % % [r2 rmse] = rsquare(y,f) % [r2 rmse] = rsquare(y,f,c) % % RSQUARE computes the coefficient of determination (R-square) value from % actual data Y and model data F. The code uses a general version of % R-square, based on comparing the variability of the estimation errors % with the variability of the original values. RSQUARE also outputs the % root mean squared error (RMSE) for the user's convenience. % % Note: RSQUARE ignores comparisons involving NaN values. % % INPUTS % Y : Actual data % F : Model fit % % OPTION % C : Constant term in model % R-square may be a questionable measure of fit when no % constant term is included in the model. % [DEFAULT] TRUE : Use traditional R-square computation % FALSE : Uses alternate R-square computation for model % without constant term [R2 = 1 - NORM(Y-F)/NORM(Y)] % % OUTPUT % R2 : Coefficient of determination % RMSE : Root mean squared error % % EXAMPLE % x = 0:0.1:10; % y = 2.*x + 1 + randn(size(x)); % p = polyfit(x,y,1); % f = polyval(p,x); % [r2 rmse] = rsquare(y,f); % figure; plot(x,y,'b-'); % hold on; plot(x,f,'r-'); % title(strcat(['R2 = ' num2str(r2) '; RMSE = ' num2str(rmse)])) % % Jered R Wells % 11/17/11 % jered [dot] wells [at] duke [dot] edu % % v1.2 (02/14/2012) % % Thanks to John D'Errico for useful comments and insight which has helped % to improve this code. His code POLYFITN was consulted in the inclusion of % the C-option (REF. File ID: #34765). if isempty(varargin); c = true; elseif length(varargin)>1; error 'Too many input arguments'; elseif ~islogical(varargin{1}); error 'C must be logical (TRUE||FALSE)' else c = varargin{1}; end % Compare inputs if ~all(size(y)==size(f)); error 'Y and F must be the same size'; end % Check for NaN tmp = ~or(isnan(y),isnan(f)); y = y(tmp); f = f(tmp); if c; r2 = max(0,1 - sum((y(:)-f(:)).^2)/sum((y(:)-mean(y(:))).^2)); else r2 = 1 - sum((y(:)-f(:)).^2)/sum((y(:)).^2); if r2<0 % warning('Consider adding a constant term to your model') %#ok r2 = 0; end end rmse = sqrt(mean((y(:) - f(:)).^2));