1. Teachings (2002-2004): 

As teaching assistant I tutored the following exercise classes and represented the absent professors if necessary.

1. Simulation I (Discrete Event Simulation), graduate course work (winter 2003).

2. Introduction to Traffic Theory, graduate course work (summer 2003).

3. Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) (summer 2003).

4. Design of Communication Systems, seminar for undergraduates (summer 2003).

5. Organization and Technology of Computing Systems (winter 2002).


2. Supervised student’s projects


1. Werner Weiss: Generating symbolic state graphs in parallel,  Master Thesis, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2004.

2. Werner Weiss:  Generating and administering a symbolic state graph representation within the performance evaluation tool Moebius,  Student Thesis, Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2003.