Hugo resolving output format errors.

Every now and then when using hugo and wowchemy to generate my website I get the following error message:

Error: from config: failed to resolve output format "headers" from
site config

This normally happens when the author of wowchemy academic decides it is time to update something. If you are lucky, then the update will not break your website, but it is wise to check the change log.

If you google around, then you get the rather unhelpful advice that the error message has nothing to do with the module updates. I do not know what the correct way of fixing this is, but this is what works for me. In your config/_default/config.yaml file change the line

home: [HTML, RSS, JSON, WebAppManifest, headers, redirects]


home: [] #[HTML, RSS  , JSON, WebAppManifest, headers, redirects]

then at the command line type hugo mod get. Then return the home: line back to its original contents and all should be well when you type hugo server.

Justin Pearson
Justin Pearson
Docent in Computing Science

Lecturer and researcher at Uppsala University.