Hugo Apostrophes

It appears that the problem is now solved in 2021, and the fix below is not needed. I just leave it here just in case they decide to change it back.

Hugo has now (2020) switched to Goldmark to render markdown into html. By default an the typographer extension is used that does clever things with amongst other things quotation marks. In particular ‘Hello’ is rendered as ‘Hello ’. This is all very pretty, but it means that if you are writing in the most common spoken/written language in the world, then the genitive case will not be rendered correctly. If you write about the students’ experience of flip class room, then you live in fear that you apostrophes will be rendered in correctly.

One solution is simple disable the typographer extension. Make sure that the following is in your config.toml file.

  defaultMarkdownHandler = "goldmark"
      typographer = false

or in your config.yaml file

  defaultMarkdownHandler: goldmark
      typographer: true
      unsafe: true
    codeFences: false
    startLevel: 2
    endLevel: 3
Justin Pearson
Justin Pearson
Docent in Computing Science

Lecturer and researcher at Uppsala University.