Nov 17, 2008
Håkan Lanshammar
PhD Thesis
Gustafsson L and Lanshammar H
ENOCH – A system for measurement and analysis of human gait.
PhD Thesis, UPTEC 7723R, Institute of Technology, Uppsala University, 1977.
and book chapters
- Gustafsson L and Lanshammar H
ENOCH - A system for measurement and analysis of the human gait.
Bidrag till Acta Universitas Upsaliensis.
Uppsala University 500 years, 8, Faculty of Science, 1976.
- Gustafsson L, Lanshammar H and Sandblad B
System och Modell -
En introduktion till systemanalysen
(System and Model - An Introduction to Systems Analysis; in Swedish). Studentlitteratur, Lund, 1982.
- Lanshammar H (Editor)
Gait Analysis in Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the 1985 Uppsala Gait Analysis Meeting. UPTEC 8532 R, Department of Technology, Uppsala, June 1985.
- Lanshammar
Gånganalysmetoder. I
"Amputationskirurgi and proteser", ed: Tor Hierton,
Svensk Ortopedisk Förenings Skriftserie, nr 5, Mediapro
AB, Tomelilla, 1992.
- Lanshammar,
Gångens kinematik och kinetik. Studentlitteratur, November 1996.
- Redfern M S, Cham
R, Gielo-Perczak K, Grönqvist
R, Hirvonen M, Lanshammar H, Marpet
M, Yi-Chung Pai C, Powers C
Biomechanics of Slips, In “Measuring Slipperiness – Human
Locomotion and Surface Factors”. Chapter 3, Editors: Chang, Wen-Ruey; Courtney, Theodore K. Taylor and Frances, London 2003.
- Strandberg L and Lanshammar H
The dynamics of slipping accidents. Journal of Occupational
Accidents, 3, pp 153-162, 1981.
- Lanshammar H
On practical evaluation of differentiation techniques for human gait
analysis. Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 15,
No 2, pp 99-106, 1982.
- Lanshammar H
On precision limits for derivatives numerically calculated from noisy
data. Journal of Biomechanics, Vol 15, No 6,
pp 459-470, 1982.
- Lanshammar H
Variation of mechanical energy levels for normal and prosthetic gait.
Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 6, pp
97-102, 1982.
- Öberg K and Lanshammar H
An investigation of kinematic and kinetic
variables for the description of prosthetic gait using the ENOCH system.
Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 6, pp
43-47, 1982.
- Harms-Ringdahl K,
Lanshammar H and Kolehmainen I
A method for assessing cervical spine
positions and gravitational force lever arms during bicycling with
different handlebar positions. Clinical Biomechanics, 4:105-110, 1989.
- Samnegård E, Turan
I, Lanshammar H
Postoperative Pressure under the rheumatic foot. The Journal of
Foot Surgery. Vol 29, No 6, pp 593-594, 1990.
- Samnegård E, Turan
I, Lanshammar H
Postoperative Evaluation of Keller's arthroplasty
and arthrodesis of the 1st metatarsophalangeal
joint using the EMED gait analysis system.
Journal of Foot Surgery. Vol 30, No 4, pp
373-374, 1991.
- Steen M, Radell R, Fristedt Å, Lanshammar H
Sittskalet - Ett hjälpmedel för gravt rörelsehindrade barn och
ungdomar. Sjukgymnasten, No 12, 1991, (Vetenskapligt supplement Årgång
2 nr 2 1991), pp 25-30, 1991.
- Lanshammar H, Turan I
and Lindgren U
Assessment of foot disorders using biomechanical analysis of foot loads
during locomotion. Clinical Biomechanics, Vol
8, No 3, pp 135-141, May 1993.
- Norrlin
S, Lagerkvist B, Lanshammar H, Rehnberg L
Balanskontroll och gånganalys på kraftplatta.
Vetenskapligt supplement, Sjukgymnasten, Nr 2, pp
28-33, 1993.
- Sahlström A, Lanshammar H, and Wigren A
Ground reaction force and its moment with respect to the knee joint
centre in a total condylar arthroplasty
series. Clinical Biomechanics, Vol 9, No 2,
pp 125-129, March, 1994.
- Sahlström A, Lanshammar H and Adalberth G
Knee joint moments in work-related situations. Ergonomics, Vol 38, No 7, pp 1352-1359, July 1995.
- Persson, T, Lanshammar, H, Medved, V
A marker-free method to estimate joint centre of rotation by video
image processing. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 46, pp
217-224, 1995.
- Hilding, M, Lanshammar, H, Ryd, L
A relationsship between dynamic and static
assessment of knee joint load. Gait analysis and radiography before and
after knee replacement in 45 patients. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica,
66 (4), pp 317-320, 1995.
- Hilding, M, Lanshammar H, Ryd, L
Knee joint load and tibial component
loosening. British Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Vol. 78-B, No.
1, pp 66-73, January 1996.
- Karlsson, A, Lanshammar H
Analysis of postural sway strategies using an inverted pendulum model
and force plate data. Gait and Posture, Vol
5, No 3, pp 198-203, 1997.
- Karlsson, A, Lanshammar, H, Persson, T
Estimation of knee joint location using colour video. Int J of Medical Informatics, 45, pp 163-174, 1997.
- Katoulis, E C, Ebdon-Parry,
M, Lanshammar, H, Vileikyte, L, Kulkarni, J, and Boulton, A
Gait Abnormalities in Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetes Care, Vol 20, No 12, pp. 1904-1907, Dec 1997.
- Stokes, V P, Thorstensson,
A, Lanshammar, H
From Stride Period to Stride Frequency.
Gait and Posture, Vol. 7, pp. 35-38, 1998.
- Stokes, V P, Lanshammar, H, Thorstensson,
Dominant Pattern extraction from 3D kinematic
data. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol
46, No 1, pp 100-106, 1999.
- Karlsson A, Norrlin
S, C:son-Silander H, Dahl M, and Lanshammar H
Amplitude and frequency analysis of postural sway in sitting children
with and without MMC, Clinical Biomechanics,
Vol 15, pp 541-545, 2000.
- Redfern M S, Cham
R, Gielo-Perczak K, Grönqvist
R, Hirvonen M, Lanshammar H, Marpet
M, Yi-Chung Pai C, Powers C
Biomechanics of Slips, Ergonomics, Vol
44, No 13, pp 1138-1166, 2001.
- Norrlin S, Karlsson
A, Ahlsten
G, Lanshammar H, C:son Silander H, Dahl M
Force measurements of postural sway and rapid arm lift in seated
children with and without MMC, Clinical Biomechanis, Vol 17 (3), pp
197-202, 2002.
- Gustås P,
Johnston C, Roepstorff L, Drevemo
S, Lanshammar H
Relationships Between Fore- and Hindlimb
Ground Reaction Force and Hoof Deceleration Patterns in Trotting Horses, Equine
Veterinary Journal, Vol 36 (8), pp 737-742,
- Halvorsen K, Söderström
T, Stokes V, Lanshammar H
Using an Extended Kalman Filter for Rigid
Body Pose Estimation, Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, June 2005
– Vol 127 (3), pp 475-483, June 2005.
- Lanshammar, H
Looking back and to the future –
Leadership from a Swedish Perspective, IEEE Signal Processing
Magazine, Vol 23 (2), pp 6-8, March 2006.
- Holmberg, B, Lanshammar, H
Possibilities of texture based
motion analysis, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Vol 84 (1), pp 1-10, October 2006.
- Elmgren Frykberg
G, Lindmark B, Lanshammar H, Borg J
Correlation between clinical
assessment and force plate measurement of postural control after stroke, J of Rehabilitation Medicine,
39(6), 448-453, July 2007.
- Halvorsen, K , Johnston, C, Back, W,
Stokes, V, Lanshammar, H
Tracking the Motion of Hidden Segments using Kinematic
Constraints and Kalman Filtering, J of Biomechanical Engineering. Vol 130(1), Article 11012, 9 pages, February 2008..
- Holmberg B, Nordin B, Bengtsson E,
Lanshammar H
Estimating human limb motion
using skin texture as virtual markers, Submitted.
contributions, reviewed
- Gustafsson L
and Lanshammar H
ENOCH - Ett datorbaserat system för
Summary of a lecture
presented at Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma,
December 1-4, 1976.
- Gustafsson L and Lanshammar H
ENOCH - A software based system for
measurement and analysis of human gait. Biomechanics VI-A, University Park Press, Baltimore, Maryland, 1978.
- Ahlén A and Lanshammar H
Body Segment Parameter Determination from Measured Kinematic
Data. Abstract of a poster presented at the Third Meeting of the
European Society of Biomechanics, January 21-23, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 1981.
- Lanshammar H
Precision limits on derivatives obtained from measurement data. Biomechanics
VII-A (Edited by Morecki A, Fidelius
K, Kedzior K and Wit A), University Park Press and Polish Scientific
Publishers, Baltimore, pp 586-592, 1981.
- Lanshammar H and Strandberg
Horizontal floor reaction forces and heel movements during the initial
stance phase. Biomechanics VIII-B. eds. H. Matsui, K. Kobayashi, Human
Kinetic Publishers, Champain, Illinois, pp
1123-1128, 1982.
- Strandberg L and Lanshammar H
On the biomechanics of slipping accidents. Biomechanics VIII-A,
eds. H. Matsui, K. Kobayashi, Human Kinetic Publishers, Champain, Illinois, pp 397-402, 1982.
- Strandberg L, Tengstrand
G and Lanshammar H
Accident hazards of rear wheel steered vehicles. IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Conference on Analysis, Design and
Evaluation of Man-Machine Systems, Baden-Baden, Fed. Rep. of Germany, Sept. 27-29,
- Lanshammar H and Strandberg
Assessment of friction by speed measurement during walking in a closed
path. Biomechanics IX-B, eds D. Winter, R.
Norman, R. Wells, K. Hayes, A. Palta, Human
Kinetics Publishers, Champain, Illinois, pp
72-75, 1985.
- Strandberg L and Lanshammar H
Walking slipperiness compared to data from friction meters.
Biomechanics IX-B, eds. D. Winter, R. Norman, R. Wells, K. Hayes, A. Palta, Human Kinetics Publishers, Champain,
Illinois, pp 76-81, 1985.
- Lindroth T and Lanshammar H
Assessment of tibial osteotomy
using gait analysis. Part 2, analysis. Abstract of a paper presented
at the Xth International Congress of
Biomechanics, Umeå, Sweden, June,
- Lanshammar H
Measurement and analysis of displacement. In "Gait Analysis in
Theory and Practice, editor H. Lanshammar, UPTEC
8532 R, Department of Technology, Uppsala, pp 29-45, June 1985.
- Lanshammar H and Lindroth
Assessment of tibial osteotomy
using gait analysis. Part 1, methods and genuine three dimensional results
presentation. Biomechanics X-A, ed. B Jonsson,
Human Kinetic Publishers, Champain, Illinois, pp 95-101, 1987.
- Lanshammar H
Estimation of gait cycle duration and stride length from one landmark kinematic data. 5th Meeting of the European
Society of Biomechanics, Berlin (West), September 1986. In
"Biomechanics: Basic and Applied Research", ed: G Bergmann, R Kölbel, A Rohlmann, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers,
pp 129-134, 1987.
- Lanshammar H
Assessment of human gait - Available techniques versus clinical
usefulness. Presented at, and included in the proceeding of the
International Biomechanics Seminar, ed: S
Lindgren et al, Chalmers University of Technology, pp 120-136, May 23, 1987.
- Lanshammar H
Metod för analys av stabiliteten vid sittande med och utan sittskal.
Summary of a lecture presented at "Nordisk Ortopedteknisk
Konferens", Hälsohögskolan, Jönköping, 17 - 20/3, 1988.
- Lanshammar H
VIFOR - A system for force line
visualization. In: Biomechanics XI-B, International Series On
Biomechanics, Volume 7-B, ed: G de Groot, P
Hollander, P Huijing, G van Ingen
Schenau, Free University Press, Amsterdam, pp
984-988, 1988.
- Lanshammar H and Holmgren
Dynamics of prosthetic ankle joint - Estimation of mecanical
parameters using gait analysis and computer simulation. In:
Biomechanics XI-A, ed: G de Groot, P Hollander,
P Huijing, G van Ingen
Schenau, International Series On Biomechanics,
Volume 7-A, Free University Press, Amsterdam, pp 312-317, 1988.
- Samnegård E, Turan
I and Lanshammar H
Postoperativ utvärdering
av olika operationsmetoder på foten med hjälp av EMED gånganalyssystem
(Post operative evaluation of different surgical procedures on the foot
using the EMED system for gait analysis, in
Swedish). Presented at the 4:th Meeting of
the Nordic Society of Podology, Mariehamn, Åland (Finland), June 8-9, 1989.
- Lanshammar H
Variation of medial and lateral plateau loads at the knee joint with
different lever arms of the ground reaction force vector. Congress Proceedings,
XII International Congress of Biomechanics, ed: R Gregor,
R Zernicke, W Whiting, Dept of Kinesiology,
University of California, Los Angeles, June 26-30, 1989.
- Lanshammar H
VIFOR - A Clinicians Tool for Load
Analysis During Walking. Presented at the
International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics
VI World Congress, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 Nov, 1989.
- Lanshammar H and Wall M
VIFOR Applications - On the Usefulness
of a Clinicians Tool for Load Analysis During
Walking. Presented at the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics VI World Congress, Kobe, Japan, 12-17 Nov,
- Lanshammar H
Gait Analysis as a Tool for Prosthetic Fitting of the Lower Limb
Amputee. Presented at XI Congresso Internationale Interbor -
Roma, April 28 May 1, 1990.
- Lanshammar H, Ekström
L, Kågström A and Lanshammar K
External knee moments and moment arms of the ground reaction force
during young adult walking. Presented at the First World Congress of Biomechanics, San Diego, Aug 30-Sept 4, 1990.
- Steen M, Radell R, Lanshammar
H, Fristedt Å
The sitting shell - A funcional sitting aid
for severely handicapped children. Presented at the Annual meeting of
the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Development Medicine, Orlando Florida, October 3-6, 1990.
- Lanshammar H
Vifdig - A method for digital analysis
of human motion recorded on a VCR. Book of Abstracts, XIII
International Congress of Biomechanics, The Department of Human Movement
Studies, The University of Western Australia, Perth, (ed: Marshall, R.N. et al), pp 373-375, 1991. Abstract in J
Biomechanics, Vol 25, No 7, p 769, 1992.
- Lanshammar H
On the selection of variables for gait characterization. Book of
Abstracts, XIII International Congress of Biomechanics, The Department of
Human Movement Studies, The University of Western Australia, Perth, (ed:
Marshall, R.N. et al), pp 441-443, 1991.
Abstract in J Biomechanics, Vol 25, No 7, p 786,
- Lanshammar, H
Repeatability and validity of human gait data
Invited lecture at the European Symposium on Clinical Gait Analysis,
ETH, Zürich, Proceedings pp 74-78, April 1-3,
- Wall, M and Lanshammar, H
On shoe sole design and loads at the ankle and knee joint
Proceedings, 7th World Congress of ISPO,
(ed: Janet K. Zupko), p 103, Chicago, Ill., June
28-July 3, 1992.
- Lanshammar, H, Turan,
I, and Blomgren M
Ground reaction forces and knee joint moments - a correlation study
Proceedings, 7th World Congress of ISPO,
(ed: Janet K. Zupko), p 321, Chicago, Ill., June
28-July 3, 1992.
- Lanshammar, H
Reduced Gait Analysis Methods in Prosthetics and Orthotics
(Lecture notes) Instructional course presented at the 7th World
Congress of ISPO, Chicago, Ill, June 28-July 3, 1992.
- Lanshammar H
Force vector visualization versus full 3D gait analysis. Book of
abstracts, XIV International Congress of Biomechanics (ed:
S Metral), pp 754-755, 1993.
- Hansson K, Lanshammar H, Sahlén T
An object oriented approach to musculoskeletal modelling. Book of
abstracts, XIV International Congress of Biomechanics (ed:
S Metral), pp 548-549, 1993.
- Sahlén T, Lanshammar H, Hansson K
Marker-free estimation of hip joint position. Book of abstracts,
XIV International Congress of Biomechanics (ed: S
Metral), pp 1164-1165, 1993.
- Lanshammar H, Persson
T, Medved V
Comparison between a marker-based and a marker-free method to estimate
centre of rotation using video image analysis. Abstract Volume II,
Second World Congress of Biomechanics, Amsterdam, (ed: Blankevoort L, Kooloos J), p
375, July 10-15, 1994.
- Lanshammar, H, Persson
T, Medved V
A marker-free method to estimate hip
joint centre of rotation, compared with radiological determination.
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Rio de
Janeiro, p 111, August 21-26, 1994.
- Hilding, M, Lanshammar H, Ryd, L
A relationship between knee joint moment during gait and tibial component loosening in knee arthroplasty.
EORS (European Orthopaedic Research Society
(Winner of the Göran Selvik
Prize), July 1995.
- Persson, T, Lanshammar, H
Estimation of an object’s position and orientation using model
matching. Presented at the XVth Congress of
the International Socitey of Biomechanics, Jyväskylä, Book of Abstracts, pp 724-725, July 1995.
- Lanshammar, H, Karlsson,
Analysis of postural strategies using force plate data and an inverted
pendulum model. Presented at the XVth
Congress of the International Socitey of
Biomechanics, Jyväskylä, Book of Abstracts, pp
530-531, July 1995.
- Hilding, M, Lanshammar, H, Ryd, L
The importance of knee joint moments during gait in tibial
component loosening in knee arthroplasty.
Presented at the XVth Congress of the
International Society of Biomechanics, Jyväskylä,
Book of Abstracts, pp 384-385, July 1995.
- Hilding, M, Lanshammar, H, Ryd, L
The importance of knee joint load in tibial
component loosening. Combined Orthopaedic Research Societies Meeting, San Diego, California, November 6-8, 1995.
- Lanshammar, H
Estimation of knee joint center position
using the centroid of an elastic band. 10th
Conference of the European Society of Biomechanics, Leuven,
Book of Abstracts, p 245 August 1996.
- Karlsson A, Lanshammar H
Analysis of balance strategies: A comparison between model and marker
based methods. 10th Conference of the European Society of
Biomechanics, Leuven, 1996, Book of Abstracts, p
292, August 1996.
- Stokes, V P, Lanshammar, H, Thorstensson,
Extraction of repeating patterns via optimally weighted ensemble
averaging. XVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,
Tokyo, Book of Abstract, p 167, August 1997.
- Lanshammar, H, Karlsson,
Mechanical Power at the ankle joint during standing. XVI Congress
of the International Society of Biomechanics, Tokyo, Book of Abstract, p
150, August 1997.
- Katoulis, E C, Ebdon-Parry,
M, Lanshammar, H, Vileikyte, L, Kulkarni, J, and Boulton, A
Peripheral neuropathy alters gait in diabetic patients, 16th
IDF Congress, Helsinki, 1997.
- Lanshammar, H, Ewerlid,
O, Halvorsen K, Johnsson,
H, Karlsson, A, Malmström,
J, Naeser, J
Human gait analysis with synchronuous 3D kinematic measurement and video, XVII Congress of
the International Society of Biomechanics, Calgary, August 1999, p 72.
- Halvorsen, K, Lanshammar H
Tracking Human Motion From Images By Matching Of A 3d Model, XVII
Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Calgary, August
1999, p 194.
- Karlsson, A, Norrlin,
S, C:son Silander, H,
Dahl, M, Lanshammar, H
Analysis of Postural Sway in Sitting Children using a Force Plate,
XVII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Calgary,
August 1999, p 579.
- Lanshammar, H, Johnsson,
H, Laguillaumie, P
Techniques for analysis of human walking, Techniques d'analyse de la marche chez l'homme. Proceedings, International
Meeting: Innovation in Biomechanics, supported by the French and Italian
Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Research and Industry, Paris, October
25-26, 1999, pp 169-196.
- Önell,
A. Söderström, T, Halvorsen K, Lanshammar, H
Identifiering av människokroppens balanssystem.
In Proc. Reglermöte 2000, Uppsala, Sweden, June 7-8 2000.
(English title: Identification of the human balance system).
- Lanshammar, H
Measurement and Analysis of Human Motion – An Uppsala Perspective,
Proceedings, MEDICON 2001, IX Mediterranean
Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, Pula,
Croatia, June 12-15, 2001, pp 9-12.
- Lanshammar, H
Biotechnological Advancement in Human Movement Analysis, Invited
lecture, HIT (Health Insurance Transmission) 6th International
Conference, Cavtat, Croatia, October 2003.
- Holmberg B, Lanshammar, H
A Virtual Reality Comparison Between Different Camera Solutions for use
in Human Motion Analysis: High Resolution or Many Cameras?, Eight
International Symposium on the 3D Analysis of Human Motion, Tampa Florida,
March 31-April 2, 2004.
- Gustås P,
Johnston C, Roepstorff L, Drevemo
S, Lanshammar H
Relationships Between the Hoof Retardation Pattern of the Forelimb and
Hind Limb at the Trot, 5th International Conference on Equine
Locomotion, Michigan, May 2004.
- Holmberg B, Nordin B, Bengtsson E,
Lanshammar H
Possibilities in using skin texture based image registration for
movement analysis, Ninth International Symposium On the 3D Analysis of
Human Motion, Valenciennes, France, June 28-30 2006.
Technical reports
- Gustafsson L
and Lanshammar H
Reglertekniskt studium av benprotesfunktion, delrapport 4.
STU-report, UPTEC 73
56 R, 1973.
- Lanshammar H
Användarmanual för SIPRO (SImulation
UPTEC 74 48 K, 1974.
- Gustafsson L,
Lanshammar H and Öberg K
Reglertekniskt studium av benprotesfunktion, delrapport 5.
STU-report, UPTEC 74
54 R, 1974.
- Lanshammar H
and Sandblad B
Systemmetodik., UPTEC 78 25 K, Mars 1978.
- Gustafsson L and Lanshammar H
ENOCH - An integrated system for measurement and analysis of human
gait. Doctoral thesis, UPTEC 77 23 R, 1977.
- Gustafsson L and Lanshammar H
Program documentation for the ENOCH system. UPTEC 77 21 R,
- Lanshammar H
and Strandberg L
Transportolycksfall - Halkning.
Report to the Work
Environment Fund, project no 77/293, 1978.
- Gustafsson
L, Lanshammar H and Sandblad B
Tillämpad systemanalys. UPTEC
79 23 K, 1979.
- Ahlen
A, Hierton T, Lanshammar H and Öberg K
Kinematiska och kinetiska variabler
för beskrivning av gången hos lårbens- och underbensamputerade. MFR-report, UPORT 8001, Gåskolan, Akademiska sjukhuset, Uppsala, 1980.
- Lanshammar H and Strandberg
Halkmekanik - Etapp
1 (Slipping Accidents Mechanics - Stage 1;
in Swedish with abstract in English). Investigation report 1980:30,
National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, Solna,
- Lanshammar, H
VIFOR - A system for load analysis
during walking
Technical report, UPTEC 92011R, 1992.
- Lanshammar H
On multiple 2D versus full 3D gait analysis. UPTEC
92090R, June 1992.
- Lanshammar H, Turan I, Blomgren M
On the repeatability and validity of human gait data. UPTEC 92089R, June 1992.
- Lanshammar H, Turan I
and Blomgren M
Age and sex related normal gait data for the knee joint. UPTEC 92103R, August 1992.
- Stoica, A-J, Lanshammar, H, Sandblad, B
Survey on Optimization and Simulation Software and Associated Teaching
Activities. AFR-Report 76, Swedish Waste
Research Council, April 1995.
- Stoica, A-J, Lanshammar, H, Sandblad, B
Selected Topics on Optimization Techniques and Applications. AFR-Kompendium 3, Swedish Waste Research Council,
April 1995.
- Lanshammar, H, Holmberg B,
Metoder för analys av människans rörelser, Bidrag vid Medicinteknikdagarna 2005, Södertälje, Sept 2005.
Other publications
- Lanshammar H
VIFOR - Ett system för gånganalys
genom visualisering av stödkraften. Ortopediskt Magasin, 3, 1988.
- Lanshammar H
Vad har mänsklig gång med IT och reglerteknik att göra? Forskarstafett
kring funktionshinder och handikapp, april 2003, Barbro Lewin (red.),
Centrum för handikappforskning vid Uppsala universitet, 2003:3.