Uppsala, January 4, 2013
Curriculum vitae
Håkan Lanshammar, Professor in Automatic Control
and Systems Analysis
Västra Järnvägsgatan 19A
753 33 Uppsala
Education etc
Studentexamen 1967
Fil kand examen 1970
Civ ing examen 1972
Fil ämbetsexamen 1972
Ekonomexamen 1976
Tekn Dr examen 1977
Docent in Automatic Control 1982
Professor in Automatic Control and Systems Analysis,
journeys and conferences
denotes conferences where I have presented a scientific paper)
visit to the USA.
May-June 1975
Vth International Congress of Biomechanics, Jyväskylä, Finland. July 1975
Research visit to England, Scotland and Holland. August 1976
*Läkaresällskapets Riksstämma, Stockholm. December 1976
*VIth International Congress of Biomechanics, Copenhagen,
Denmark. July
Research visit to West Germany and France. June 1978
Nordiska Ergonomisällskapets conference, Linköping. November 1978
*VIIth International Congress of Biomechanics, Warzawa, Polen. September 1979
visit to the USA and Canada. July-August 1980
*8th Canadian Medical and
Biological Engineering Conference,
*1980 World Congress,
International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics, International Association
of Orthosists
and Prostethists,
*Sveriges Ortpedingenjörers Förenings yearly conference, Stockholm. March 1981
*Gait Analysis Workshop,
International Congress of Biomechanics,
visit to the USA.
July-August 1983
*IXth International Congress of Biomechanics, Waterloo,
Ontario, Canada.
August 1983
IVth Meeting of the European Society of
Biomechanics, Davos, Switzerland. September 1984
*Xth International Congress of Biomechanics, Umeå, Sweden. June 1985
*Nordic symposium in Podologi, Huddinge sjukhus. Invited lecturer
and session chairman. October 1985
*Meeting with the Swedish
ISPO (Intern. Soc. of Prosthetics and Orthotics), Linköping. February 1986
Meeting of the European Society of Biomechanics,
Biomechanics Seminar", Chalmers Institute of Technology. May 1987
*XIth International Congress of Biomechanics, Amsterdam, the
July 1987
*Seminar at "Officina Rizzole",
Presentation: "Gait
Analysis - Methods and Applications". January 1988
*Nordic conference on
Orthopaedic Technology, Jönköping.
Presentation of "Metod för analys
av stabiliteten vid sittande med och utan sittskal"
(method for analysis of the sitting stabilty with and
without a sitting shell, in swedish).
March 1988
*Invited lecture at "Norrlandsklubben" (Conference for orthopaedic
Presentation: "Gånganalys" (Gait analysis)
October 1988
*Invited lecture on gait
analysis at a specialists course on foot surgery,
*Invited lecturer at
SOIF (Sveriges OrtopedIngenjörers Förening)-meeting, Tylösand.
Presentation: "Vifor gånganalys som klinisk
rutin". April 1989
*Invited lecturer at the
Spring Meeting of the Sport Medicine Society. Symposium: "Fotens
Presentation: "Metoder för mätning och analys av belastningar". May
*Invited lecturer at DHR
(De Handikappades Riksförbund) congress, Älvsjö. Presentation:
"Analys av sittskalfunktion". May 1989
*XIIth International Congress of Biomechanics, Los Angeles,
USA. June 1989
*Invited lecturer at
the Swedish Society of Orthopaedic Surgery Conference "Knäleden
från vaggan till
(the knee joint from the cradle to the grave).
Presentation: "Knee Mechanics in Gait Prostheses - Gait Analysis"
September 1989
*IV ISPO (International
Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics) World Congress,
Gait Analysis
Congresso Internationale Interbor, Rome, Italy. April 1990
*Invited lecturer at
a handicap conference,
*Invited lecturer at
the congress "Handicap North",
Visit to Centro di Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Fond. pro Juv. (Prof. A Pedotti) July 1991
Third International
Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics,
International Congress of Biomechanics,
*Invited lecture,
European Symposium on Clinical Gait Analysis,
*Invited lecture and
free paper, 7th World Congress of ISPO,
*Visit to the
*Invited lectures at
the Iran Badankar Technical Orthopaedic Co
and at the
*Invited lecture on Gait
Analysis at the Uppsala Technological Society November 1992
*Invited lecture on Load
Analysis at a meeting of the Swedish ISPO
(International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics), Karolinska
*XIV Congress of the
International Society of Biomechanics,
Third International
Symposium on 3-D Analysis of Human Movement,
Karolinska Institute, Huddinge University Hospital,
Stockholm, Sweden July 1994
World Congress on Medical
Physics and Biomiedical Engineering,
*XV Congress of the International
Society of Biomechanics,
2nd Combined Meeting of the
Orthopaedic Reserach Societies of U.S.A.
Japan, Canada and Europe, San Diego, USA November 1995
*10th Conference
of the European Society of Biomechanics,
*XIV Congress of the
International Society of Biomechanics,
*Invited lecture on Gait Analysis at "Temadagar om Protesförsäljning av aktiva benamputerade", Park Nova Hotel, Knivsta February 1999
*Invited lecture on Kinetics
of Human Motion at Introdutcory Seminar
in Gait Analysis,
*XIV Congress of the
International Society of Biomechanics,
*Member of the planning
committee for the International Meeting on Innovation in Biomechanics,
*Invited lecture on Analysis
of human movement patterns,
XII:th Uppsala Neuroscience
*Invited lecture on Analysis
of Human motion using Internet (Analys av människans rörelser
på distans, in Swedish)
Telemedicine in
*Invited Keynote lecture Measurement
and Analysis of Human Motion – An Uppsala Perspective,
MEDICON 2001, IX Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering
and Computing,
*Invited lecture Biotechnological
Advancement in Human Movement Analysis, HIT (Health Insurance Transmission)
6th International Conference,
Eight International
Symposium on the 3D Analysis of Human Motion, Tampa Florida, March 31-April 2,
Ninth International
Symposium on the 3D Analysis of Human Motion, Valenciennes,
France, June 28-30, 2006
Invited public lecture at “Världsklass IT Uppsala” (World class IT Uppsala), an event
arranged by ICT Uppsala at Uppsala Konsert&Kongress,
with 300 participants from the IT Industry and Uppsala University, March 2,
Research Visit, Stanford University, Califorina, USA,
April 5-22, 2010.
Invited Public Lecture, Centre for Disability Research at Uppsala University, “Gånganalys ur ett Uppsalaperspektiv – från elitidrott och benproteser till neurologiska sjukdomar och barnhabilitering”, in Swedish, November 4, 2010.
Invited lecture at the
start-up meeting of an EU project, FESTA, coordinated by Uppsala University,
“Project Shangri-La”. Uppsala, March 14, 2012.
Supervision of Phd students
Tekn Lic: Thomas Persson. Analysis of joint loads and
balance, 1996. Main supervisor.
Tekn Lic: Kajsa Hansson. Object oriented modellinga and simulation of
human gait, March 1996. Main supervisor.
Tekn Lic: Annica Karlsson. Human standing and walking - Methods for diagnosis and assessment,
1997. Main supervisor.
PhD: Maria Hilding (Department of Orthopaedic
Surgery, Karolinska institute), 1995
. Fixation and load in total knee arthroplasty.
PhD: Virgil Stokes (Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institute), 1997. Co-supervisor.
Tekn. Lic: Kjartan Halvorsen. Model-based methods for tracking and analysis of human movement. Dept. of Information Technology, November
1999. Main Supervisor.
PhD: Annica Önell. Quantifying Human Balance – Analysis of Force Plate Data.
Jan 2000. Main Supervisor
PhD: Kjartan Halvorsen.
Model-based Methods in Motion Capture. October 2002. Main
PhD: Pia Gustås.
A Biomechanical Study on the Hoof Impact at the Trot. May 2005. Co-supervisor.
Lic: Björn Holmberg. Towards Markerless Analysis of Human
Motion, Dec 2006. Main Supervisor.
PhD: Björn
Holmberg. Estimating Human Limb Motion using Skin Texture and
Particle Filtering, Nov 2008. Main Supervisor.
scientific assignments
Reviewer for Journal of Biomechanics
(Editorial Consultant, 1999-), Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, Computer
Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Computers in Biology and Medicine,
International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing, Acta Physiologica Scandinavia, Journal of Electromyography and
Kinesiology, Scandinavian Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, CDC-97.
opponent for a doctoral thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
November 10, 1978.
Thesis: Christer Bring. Provning av
halksäkerhet (Slip resistance testing).
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, faculty of Medicine,
Thesis: Kurt Öberg. Quantitative
Analysis of Gait Disorders.
opponent for a doctoral thesis Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm,
December 19, 1983.
Thesis: Lars Lindbeck. Biomechanical models of the
human spine in equilibrium and leg under impact.
Chairman for 1985
Organization of and
chairman for two seminars presented at the Xth
International Congress of Biomechanics, Umeå, June
15-20, 1985; Measurement and analysis of ground reaction forces and Kinematic
measurement and analysis. Cochairman at a session
on Biomechanics of shoes, and scientific scrutinizing of about 100
contributions to this congress.
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Thesis: Anders Ahlén. Input estimation with
application to differentiation.
Chairman for the sessions Methods
and Instrumentation, XIth International Congress
of Biomechanics,
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Faculty of mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Thesis: Bengt Carlsson. Design of Digital Differentiating filters and Model Based Fault
Reception of
"PRIMAGRAM"-award for the quality computer software of the year
(award class: "new software"), February 1989
opponent for a licentiate thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences,
Uppsala, March 15, 1991.
Thesis: Per-Anders Hansson. Simulation and Optimization Model for Vibration
Damping Cab Suspension- applied on Agricultural Tractors.
April-May 1991 external evaluator of CERTEC (Centre for Rehabiliation
Technology), for Lund University.
Chairman, Session on Methods,
XIII International Congress of Biomechanics,
Member of the Scientific
Committee and Chairman for the session on Grundlagen/Basics,
European Symposium on Clinical Gait Analysis, Zürich, Switzerland, April 1-3,
1992. At this meeting he also presented an invited ketnote
Member of
the examination committee for a doctoral thesis, Division of Mechanics,
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, May 26, 1992.
Thesis: Dan Karlsson. Force Distribution in the Human
Invited instructional
course Reduced gait analysis methods in prosthetics and Orthotics, 7th
World Congress of ISPO,
for a session on Gait Analysis and Evaluation of Amputee Gait, 7th World
Congress of ISPO, Chicago, July 1992.
Member of
the examination committee for a doctoral thesis, Department of Information
Processing, Umeå University, Sweden, May 1993.
Thesis: Inge Söderkvist:
Computing parameters in nonlinear least squares models.
Chairman for a session on Methods
and Instrumentation, XIV Congress of the International Society of
for position as research assistant (forskarassistent)
in Systems Analysis, Swedish Agricultural University, Uppsala, Sweden.
Member of the Scientific Committe, Third International Symposium on 3-D Analysis
of Human Movement, Karolinska Institute, Huddinge
University Hospital, July 5-8, 1994.
Member of the International
Promotions Committe, the 1994 International System
Dynamics Conference,
External examiner
(förhandsgranskare), Doctoral dissertation: Hannu
Haapala. Position
Dependent Control (PDC) of Plant Production,
Recepient of the Göran
Selvik Prize, at the European Orthopaedic
Research Society Congress, Munich, Germany, July 1995.
Chairman for a session: Clinical
and Rehabilitation Biomechanics, at the XVth
International Congress of Biomechanics,
Member of
the examination committee for a doctoral thesis, Department of Orthopaedics, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, December 15, 1995.
Thesis: Maria B. Hilding. Fixation and load in total
knee arthroplasty.
for the TIDE call for proposal, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium,
February 5-16, 1996.
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, May 10, 1996.
Thesis: Karin Morgan. Short-term thermoregolatory
responses of horses to brief changes in ambient temperature.
Member of the examination
committee for a licentiate, thesis, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, December 12, 1996.
Thesis: Magnus Dalemo. The ORWARE
Simulation Model - Anaerobic Digestion and Sewage Plant Sub-models.
Member of the examination
committee for a licentiate, thesis, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, December 12, 1996.
Thesis: Ulf Sonesson. The ORWARE
Simulation Model - Compost and Transport Sub-models.
competent as a Professor in Medical Signal Processing at the Danish Technical
University, October 1996.
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Swedish
University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, May 30, 1997.
Thesis: Lars Roepstorff. A force measuring horse shoe
applied in a kinetic and kinematic analysis of the trotting horse.
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Centre for Image Analysis, Uppsala University,
Uppsala, Sweden, March 27, 1998.
Thesis: Petter Ranefall. Toward Automatic Quantification of Immunohistochemistry
Using Colour Image Analysis.
External examiner for a
licentiate thesis, CERTEC (Center for Rehabilitation
Engineering Research at
Thesis: Håkan Neveryd.
Sensor Based navigating mobile robots for people with disabilities.
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, December 22, 1998.
Thesis: Ulf Sonesson. Systems Analysis of Waste
Management -The ORWARE Model, Transport and Compost Sub-Models.
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Hydrology, Department of Earth Sciences,
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, April 9, 1999.
Thesis: Jan Seibert. Conceptual rainfall-runoff models - fiction or representation
of reality.
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, April 15, 1999.
Thesis: Anna Torén. Twisted Trunk
Postures During Tractor Driving - with Special Reference to Low-Back Load and
Member of
the examination committee for a doctoral thesis, Department of Polymeric
Materials, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, June 1, 1999.
Thesis: Mohsen Makhsous. Improvements, Validation and Adaptation of a Shoulder Model.
Chairman for a session on Biomechanical
Techniques, XIV Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics,
Member of the examination
committee for a licentiate, thesis, Department of Agricultural Engineering,
Swedish University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, November 16, 1999.
Thesis: Sven Smårs. Extensions and refinements of the
dynamic cow digestion model - Molly, and further development of the model for
educational use.
External examiner for a PhD
thesis, Department of Physical Education, Sports Science and Recreation,
Loughborough University, England, May 23, 2001. Thesis: Grant Trewartha. Video-based Automatic Tracking of
Three-Dimensional Human Movement.
for a session on Gait and Motion Analysis, MEDICON 2001, IX
Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing,
June 2001.
Faculty opponent for a doctoral thesis, Karolinska Institutet, the Department of Neuroscience and Idrottshögskolan, the Department of Sport and Health
Sciences, Stockholm, February 22, 2002.
Thesis: Karl Daggfeldt. Biomechanics
of Back Extension Torque Production about the Lumbar Spine.
of promotion to the
rank of Associate Professor with tenure in USA. November 2002.
Member of the examination
committee for a doctoral thesis, Neurotec Department,
Division of Physiotherapy, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, March 28, 2003.
Review of
Grant Application, Czech Science Foundation, 2003.
Coordinator and member of
the examination committee for a PhD Thesis, Karolinska
Institutet, Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery, Stockholm,
October 17, 2003.
Thesis: Elena Gutierrez. Gait strategy in myelomeningocele:
Movements, mechanics and methods.
Member (Chairman) of the
examination Committee for a doctoral thesis, Swedish Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept of Biometry and Engineering, May 31,
Thesis: Helena Elmquist. Environmental
Systems Analysis of Arable, Meat and Milk Production.
Review of Grant
Application, Czech Science Foundation, June 2005.
of appointment as Associate Professor (docent), Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm, June 2005.
Member of
the examination committee for a doctoral thesis, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,
December 8, 2006.
Thesis: Anna Bjerkefors. Performance and trainability
in paraplegics – motor function, shoulder muscle strength and sitting balance
before and after kayak ergometer training.
of appointment as Associate Professor (universitetslektor),
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, May 2007.
Member of
the Assessment Committee for a joint position as Director, Centre for IT Innovation,
and full Professor in IT Innovation, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Oct-Dec
of appointment as Adjunct Docent (Dan Karlsson), School of Health Sciences, Jönköping University, September, 2010.
of appointment as Docent (Lee Nolan), School of Health Sciences, Jönköping University, March, 2011.
(Chairman) of the examination committee for a PhD Thesis, the Royal Institute
of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, December 14, 2011.
Thesis: Nalin Harischandra. Computer Simulation of the Neural
Control of Locomotion in the Cat and the Salamander.
of appointment as Associate Professor (universitetslektor),
The Royal Institute of Technology, March 2012.
of appointment as Associate Professor (universitetslektor),
School of Health Sciences, Jönköping University,
April 2012.
of appointment as Associate Professor (universitetslektor),
School of Health Sciences, Jönköping University,
January 2013.
1972 - 1980 appointed as a
teacher and research assistant at the Department of Technology,
July 1978 - January 1983
employed as a 1st Research Engineer (50% of full time) at the Section for
Accident Research, National Board of Occupational Safety and Health,
From October 1980 appointed
as a Universitetslektor (Associate professor)
(half time) in automatic control and systems analysis at the Department of
1983 - February 1987 appointed as a forskare
(researcher) (half time) at the Department of Technology, Uppsala University.
From March 1987 appointed
as Universitetslektor (Associate professor) in
Systems Analysis at the Department of Technology,
From April 2000 appointed
as Professor in Automatic Control and Systems Analysis at
1998 – June 2004 appointed as Head of Division (avdelningsföreståndare),
Dept of Systems and Control, Uppsala University.
October 2005 – appointed as Head
of Division (avdelningsföreståndare), Dept of Systems
and Control, Uppsala University.
July 2000
– June 2012 appointed as Head of Department (prefekt),
Dept of Information Technology, Uppsala University.
July 2012
– appointed as Deputy Head of Department (ställföreträdande
prefekt), Dept of Information Technology, Uppsala
and leadership experiences
Member in Centrum Människa-Dator (Center for Human Computer Studies), Uppsala University,
Board Member in Centrum för forskning om funktionshinder (Center for Disability Research), Uppsala University, 1988-
Vice-Chairman, Centrum för forskning om funktionshinder (Center for Disability Research), Uppsala University, 2008
Deputy head (ställföreträdande avdelningsföreståndare) Systems and Control Group, Uppsala University, 1994-1998.
Head, Division of Systems and Control,
Information Technology, Uppsala Universtity, October
1998- June 2004. October 2005 -
in a course in Leadership, Uppsala University, 1998 (5 days).
Member of
the R&D Council of the Swedish Handicap Institute. 1991- 1999.
Board Member in the
Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, 1999 - 2000.
Head (prefekt), Department of Information Technology, Uppsala
University, July 2000 – June 2012.
Chairman of the Board,
Department of Information Technology, July 2000- June 2012.
Participation in a course
in Work Environment issues,
Member of a referral group
concerning the Control of
Universities (Högskolans styrning, SOU 2000:82) on appointment of the Faculty of Science and Technology,
Member of an inquiry
committee for development of an education programme
in Medical Informatics, on appointment of the virtual Faculty of Information
Chairman of a committee for
development of closer cooperation between the Faculty of Science and Technology
and the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, on appointment of the Faculty of
Science and Technology,
in a leadership course, 3 days, for the management group, dept of Information
Technology, Uppsala University, 2003.
Member of a working group
concerning the future of the Centre for Handicap Research at Uppsala University
on appointment of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University,
Member of
a project group concerning actions with regard to an IT revision of Uppsala
University. Representative for the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala
University, 2003.
Member of
a working group concerning discrimination (likabehandling),
on appointment of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University,
of the Board, Nannberga stugförening,
2004- 2007.
in a course on conflict management organized by Uppsala University, 2005.
in a course in Gender Coaching (Genuscoaching- Utbildning i genusmedvetens
pedagogik för universitetslärare), May-October 2007.
Participation in a course
on labour law, May-June 2007.
Chairman of the Board, Uppsala STS, Science and Technology
Studies Center, Uppsala University, 2004 - 2010
Participation in a course
on using ProDiver, a system for analysis of data
concerning Uppsala University, March 10,12, 2008.
as a panel member in a course for Department Heads at Uppsala University, April
16, 2008.
Member of the steering
committee, “Uppsala ICT”, an initative from the City
of Uppsala, 2012-
Member of
a working group concerning University-wide organisation of the work concerning
equality of opportunity for all at Uppsala University, April – December 2012.
Deputy Head (ställföreträdande prefekt),
Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, July 2012 -
Board Member in the
Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, August 2012 -
of a course in Automatic Control at the Swedish University of Agricultural
Science. Development of course material and lecturing on this course
1974-1983. I was also examiner (examinator)
for this course.
on courses in automatic Control at the MSc program in Engineering Physics at
Uppsala University.
Responible for and teacher at faculty funded courses in
Applied Systems Analysis that has been given each year 1978-2001. Totally around 500 PhD students
have participated, corresponding to 15 PhD theses (2500 points).
on a course in Systems Theory at the Engineering Physics Program, Uppsala
University, 1980-1984.
and examiner (examinator) for courses in Systems
analysis and applied planning theory at the Swedish University of Agricultural
Science since 1983.
Coathour of the book:
Gustafsson L, Lanshammar H och Sandblad B. System och Modell - En
introduktion till Systemanalysen,
Studentlitteratur, 1982.
in a conference for teachers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science Åbo, Finland, Augusti 1987.
Course development,
course manager and teacher at Nordic PhD courses in Systems Analysis and
Simulation (Nordiska Ministerrådet),
1989, 1992, 1995.
Lecturer at specialist
courses for Orthopaedic surgeons in Amputation Surgery and Prosthetics,
organised by NLV (Nämnden för
Läkares Vidareutbildning).
Course manager and lecturer
at an external course given at
manager and lecturer in a course Model construction and Simulation, given for
Biology students at Uppsala University, 1993-1995.
Course manager and lecturer
in the course Systems Analysis, Modelling and Simulation, MSc program in
Molecular Biology,
Course manager and lecturer
in the course Systems Analysis and Simulation, MSc program in Environment/Water
Engineering, 1996-
Author of the book: Gångens kinematik och kinetik, Studentlitteratur,
1996 (in Swedish).
manager and lecturer in the course Applied Systems Analysis, MSc program in Environment
and Water Engineering, Uppsala University, 2012.
manager and lecturer in the course Systems- and Operations Analysis, MSc
program in Engineering Physics, 2013.
manager and lecturer in the course Systems- and Operations Analysis, MSc
program in Sociotechnical Systems Engineering, 2013.