If you plan on following DARK2 2002, please sign up
Please, please, please, give us feedback on the course
If you have already given written feedback at the last lecture, please
complete the form here, but do not duplicate your written feedback.
Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach (3rd edition = very
important) Hennessy/Pattersson Morgan Kaufmann 2003!!,
ISBN155860-724-2 (paper) or ISBN 155860-596-7 (cloth)
Erik Hagersten, room 1242, phone 018-471 7342 Email: eh@it.uu.se
Teaching Assistant:
Erik Berg (EB), room 1241, phone 018-471 6234 Email:
Written exam at the end of the course. No books will be allowed.
Mandatory Assignments
There are two lab assignments that all partitipants have to
complete before a hard deadline. If you are doeing the MN2 version of the coursem you.ll also have to complete the "Microporcessor Report" about a specific computer system and/or CPU chip.
Optional assignments:
Thera are three (optional) hand-in assignments : Memory, CPU,
Multiprocessors. You will get extra credit on the exam for each
hand-in that is completed [with a reasonable accury] before the
announced deadlines . The credits are "valid" for this years
ordinary exam and the following exams at Easter and August but
will expire thereafter.'