UU > IT > Erik > Courses > DARK2

Home Page Computer Architecture 2

If you plan on following DARK2 2002, please sign up here

Please, please, please, give us feedback on the course here . If you have already given written feedback at the last lecture, please complete the form here, but do not duplicate your written feedback.

Literature: Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach (3rd edition = very important) Hennessy/Pattersson Morgan Kaufmann 2003!!, ISBN155860-724-2 (paper) or ISBN 155860-596-7 (cloth)

Lecturer: Erik Hagersten, room 1242, phone 018-471 7342 Email: eh@it.uu.se URL: http://user.it.uu.se/~eh

Teaching Assistant: Erik Berg (EB), room 1241, phone 018-471 6234 Email: erikberg@docs.uu.se

Examination: Written exam at the end of the course. No books will be allowed.

Mandatory Assignments : There are two lab assignments that all partitipants have to complete before a hard deadline. If you are doeing the MN2 version of the coursem you.ll also have to complete the "Microporcessor Report" about a specific computer system and/or CPU chip.

Optional assignments: Thera are three (optional) hand-in assignments : Memory, CPU, Multiprocessors. You will get extra credit on the exam for each hand-in that is completed [with a reasonable accury] before the announced deadlines . The credits are "valid" for this years ordinary exam and the following exams at Easter and August but will expire thereafter.'


Last modified: Wed Mar 5 14:48:56 MET 2003 Maintained by eh @it.uu.se . © Copyright 2001-2002 Uppsala Architecture Research Team, P.O. Box 337, SE-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden. All rights reserved.