Reading Group on Software Testing and Fuzzing, VT'19

Will run Thursdays 13.15- 15.00 Starting February 28.


Fuzzing in various forms have in recent years become increasingly powerful and useful for detecting bugs and vulnerabilities in software. The course will cover various fuzzing and testing techniques, both basics and recent developments. Covering of material will be done by course participants.

Organization: Below is a list of topics, with suggested material to cover that topic. These topics can be adapted, and it is also perfectly OK so suggest other complementary material. Each topic is discussed at a meeting. In advance to taht meeting, all participants have read the paper (not just skimmed), and are prepared to discuss questions that are provided some days in advance. One participant is responsible, which means he/she will

Each participant signs up for at least one topic.

Credits: A tentative allocation of credits is to give 5 points for participation, including one presentation. For two presentations, we offer 7 credits. Passive participation can earn 2 credits.

Preparation for First lecture: Watch the Coursera Intro-video


Topics foreseen to be covered include Additional topics that can also be covered.


W DateTimePlaceWhat
9 Thu28/210-121245Start, Fuzzing, intro and overview.
10 Thu7/313-151406TBD
11 Thu14/313-151406TBD
12 Thu22/313-151406TBD
13 Thu28/313-151345TBD
17 Thu25/410-121406TBD
18 Thu2/510-124306TBD
19 Thu9/513-151345TBD
20 Thu16/513-151345TBD

Course Material and Links

Here is some possible material to be used. Will be refined.