OSim - an object oriented simulation environment designed to provide flexible interactive simulation support for all types of object oriented modelling.


OSim [-hsvD] [-f config_file.ocf]


OSim is a generic object oriented simulation tool for specifying and simulating the behaviour of all systems that can be represented as a system of interacting agents which generate and consume events.

The tool is based on the research methodologies developed as a part of the OBJECTSIM project. OBJECTSIM is a research framework which investigates effective tools for highly parallel and generic execution of simulation of all types of systems.

As a part of the OBJECTSIM initiative this PDES simulation kernel (OSim) has been developed based on the abstract modelling methodology.

OSim is a standalone simulation environment which reads the configuration of the system to be simulated from the config_file.ocf that can be supplied at invocation, or from files that are specified using command line instructions once the simulation environment is running. Refer to the user manual for further information on the options and configuration file format.


-f <file>.ocf     Read configuration from file.

-h    Print usage synopsis and list options.

-s    Run in slave mode (Cluster PVM version option).

-v    Print version number.

-D    Enable kernel trace mode to help with locating problems with new kernel releases or user libraries. This option also enables additional command line options to print kernel data structures.


config_file.ocf - contains configuration instructions that describe the objects that make up the system to be simulated, the interconnections between the objects, and the initial events that are to be delivered to these objects.  Type "man arachne" for an overview of syntax and semantics of the  OBJECTSIM system specification file format arachne.